Box Art Review #5
Killer Klowns from Outer Space (1988)
Directed by Stephen Chiodo
Starring Grant Cramer, Suzanne Snyder, John Allen Nelson, John
Vernon, Michael Siegel, Peter Licassi
The Movie
One of the big trends in 80s horror movies was spoofing/homaging/ripping
off the plots of cheesy ‘50s B-movies like The Blob. Generally, the plot breaks
down as follows: Troublemaking teens witness aliens, they try to tell the cops,
cops tell them to fuck off and quit being troublemakers, teens try to warn the
town people, people get all murdered and dead, eventually the cops get their
heads outta their asses and team up with the troublemaking teens to take down
the aliens. There’s a handful of 80s movies that follow this set up and real
talk: I’ll probably be reviewing those eventually in which case I’ll call back
to this review and then it’ll be like an inside joke just for you and me <3.
Basically the real reason to see this movie is the effects
work. The clowns are all well-designed and straddle that line between creepy
and cute like the shirts at Hot Topic, and some of the kills are really
creative and fun. I personally find the shadow puppet eating people to be
particularly creepy because how the hell does that even work? Lemme throw in a
clip of what I’m talking about in case you haven’t seen it so you can know why
I’m baffled.
Anyway, it’s a surprisingly decent movie given the concept.
I know it has a cult following, but really doesn’t anything with clowns tend to
garner a cult following? Everybody from Krusty the Klown, to the Joker, to John
Wayne Gacey, to the fucking Insane Clown Posse all have sects of devoted followers.
The movie doesn’t amount to much more than the title, but it is a fun watch and
definitely the kind of movie you’d find lingering in the corner of the rental
place’s horror aisle back in the day, just waiting to be rented by
impressionable children (which is probably why it enjoys a cult status to this
The Cover
This cover is an abomination. I mean, really, as a guy who’s
looking for crazy, ridiculous, schlocky horror movie box art, this is a huge
letdown, especially given the title of the film. I mean, the tag line is dumb
as hell, the font is awful and looks like it belongs on the side of a fastfood
bag, and the cover image is just the most bland image they could’ve used to
represent the movie. There’s a lot you can do to represent the title Killer
Klowns from Outer Space, in fact, fuck this cover, let’s look at the infinitely
better MGM Midnite Movies re-release cover.
Now this is how you get people to watch a movie about killer
clowns. I’m still not too crazy about the font – it looks like it’s advertising
a bowling alley – but this is miles ahead of that other bullcrap. We’re looking
at a painted version of the same clown from the other cover, rendered here as a
far more menacing presence looming from outer space with hungry eyes that seem
to be actively ignoring the abundance of free popcorn raining down from the
heavens. Then there’s the absolutely ridiculous tagline, “IN SPACE NO ONE CAN
EAT ICE CREAM!” First of all, is that even true? I can’t specifically remember
reading about anybody ever eating ice cream in space, but I also can’t imagine
why that wouldn’t be a possibility. Then again, I’m also not the smartest guy
reviewing horror movies, and maybe there are some kinda outer space physics
laws that state eating ice cream as off limits. Either way, it’s a nice little
homage to Alien that’s somehow equal parts dumb and clever at the same time.
This is the kind of cover that would’ve stopped me in the
video store. This is the kind of cover that, if nothing else, makes you take
the movie off the shelf just to make sure you’re actually seeing what you think
you think you’re seeing.
Killer Klowns From Outer Space [Blu-ray]
Movie: 4/5
Cover: 1/5 & 3/5